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You Are Not Alone A Practical Guide for Maintaining Your Quality of Life While Living with Cancer You're Not Alone

Forgiveness - III. Psychological And Emotional Support

Hope Coping
Attitudes That Can Help

Positive Thinking
Support Groups
Realistic, Achievable Goals

Spirituality, Faith and Religion
End-of-Life Care
Leaving Instructions to Loved Ones

It is not uncommon for people to hold onto past hurts, prior grievances, and old grudges. When you can forgive past disappointments and struggles you increase your chances both for healing and present-day happiness. Forgiveness does not mean that you have to condone actions that were painful, reconcile with people who have seriously wronged you, or give up your right to judgment and your quest for justice. Forgiveness means making peace with things you cannot change and turning your thoughts to the matters in your current life that need your attention. Let the past stay where it belongs.

Research shows that when people practice forgiveness they experience less physical and emotional stress, depression, and anger. When forgiveness is implemented, people also show improved physical vitality, optimism, spiritual connectedness, and confidence about managing their emotions. The benefits of forgiveness are lasting. Start by forgiving something small and practice until the little things no longer bother you. Then work on bigger issues that distress you.

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