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You Are Not Alone A Practical Guide for Maintaining Your Quality of Life While Living with Cancer You're Not Alone

Leaving Instructions to Loved Ones - III. Psychological And Emotional Support

Attitudes That Can Help

Positive Thinking
Support Groups
Realistic, Achievable Goals

Spirituality, Faith and Religion
End-of-Life Care

This is the time to leave clear instructions as to whether you want to be resuscitated or treated, if you have no chance of regaining a reasonable quality of life. You need to sign a durable power of attorney with specific instructions to your medical team, family, and friends about your medical care concerning acceptance of resuscitation or measures to prolong life. You will also want to leave written instructions for your family and friends, if death occurs, telling them how you want your remains handled and type of funeral service.

If you don't have a will for the disposition of your estate, this is a good time to get that out of the way as well. You can always change it later. The act of leaving instructions on these matters is a gift to those you love. Don't forget to leave computer information.

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